Monday, 3 October 2011

SumPod Colour Schemes

While bashing away at the keyboard workface, it occurred to me that with the SumPod website currently under maintenance, anyone not aware of Freyzor's SumPod colour scheme taster should give it a try.  The GIMP file can be found at: How to paint my SumPod.

I'm going for brilliant white, with a lacquer finish and an internal light.  Nothing should detract from the magic of the print process and the light will come in mighty useful to see exactly where things have gone with a print, because they will at some point!  I didn't manage a brilliant white with the overlays, but this is my attempt.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the white was a bit problematic. You could improve it by messing with the layer type property. But the templates where a quick and dirty hack to begin with, apologies. Glad to see someone use it :D
